A Guide for Giving - Suggestions for Determining God’s Will:

1) Begin by praying every day, “Lord, I want to give sacrificially. Now please show me how to give a gift that will stretch my faith.” If you’re married, pray together with your spouse.

2) Give yourself time! Don’t rush your decision. You’ll find that the longer you genuinely pray “Show me how,” the more ways God will show you, and you’ll be able to give more than the first amount that popped into your head.

Each of us has a choice to make:

1) I can give based on REASON. This means I look at what I have, figure out what is “reasonable,” and commit that amount. It takes no faith to give by reason. Reason simply asks, “What can I afford?”

2) I can give based on REVELATION. This means I determine my gift by praying, “Lord, what do you want to give through me?” This requires faith. When you make giving a matter of prayer, your decision becomes an act of worship. Revelation of giving is asking '“How much am I willing to trust God?”